Went to DAYS last weekend, my 4th weekend staffing after being a participant. It was my first time to staff as a head, fiscal to be more exact, and the challenge both scared and excited me at the same time. Though I'm used to being the front person for finance in aiesec all my life, it was my first time for DAYS, and i was quite a bit unsure on how to approach strangers, asking, well more like begging for donations of any amount, for the community fund. It was weird, when at the end of the day, everyone kind of knew who I was already (in a not so good way), because now they knew who to avoid and keep their wallets from for the rest of the weekend! hehe =P In the end, I think it was a worthy cause.. we were able to raise around 6,500 pesos from the visitors, staffers and sponsors who came to Bambi's batch...an increase from the previous collections. Thanks Kuya Jess! I hope it would be more than enough for the next batch, I'm staffing again, but I'll be a sponsor this time for Coni Ü
This is one of those DAYS weekends that still gets me high... "Basta Ikaw Lord"... but for some reason, there as something special and magical about those 3 days I spent at Pollock. It was the first weekend that I spent a lot of time in Disco, really pouring my heart into that room... between my sisters and mommy rach, and with my aiesec family... and a lot of vigil time also alone with just Kuya Jess. There were lots of personal issues I lifted to Him in that room (lots of tissues spent as well), and now I feel somewhat light and relieved. Hmm... I can't say that I'm not troubled anymore, but somehow miraculously, I found comfort in just praying and talking to Him, knowing that somehow He can hear me and lift all those troubles away, even for just mere moments....
I guess I've always been more of a spiritual person than a religious one. I don't believe much in ceremonies that I've been accustomed to all my life, thanks to both sides of the family being strictly parishioners and supporters of the Church and its practices. I do thank DAYS for strengthening my faith, but I guess there would always be that continuous skepticism on some practices of the Church that up to now I only receive with accept with mute resignation. My enlightenment always comes during those silent moments that I pray to Him, and that is one of the reasons I miss DAYS also, when I can just go to the Disco where I can find solace to be myself and reflect. It's hard to come back to reality after DAYS high, when I know I'll be facing all my issues again.... but I know that because of Mommy Rach's talk about loving hearts, Jess was giving me a sign. I know now what to do because I can feel his presence still. I'll just have to keep that personal "disco" with me, until the next batch again... Ü