KFC Counters 
It's been a long time since I last ate at KFC, a far cry from the days when Chicken Caesar Salad was considered my staple rice at every meal. So I decided to have a go at it again after the mass last night, only to find out that nothing really changed that much since my last visit. The food's still great (I missed the salad terribly!), but the service still sucks. I wondered, as I waited at the counter line for almost fifteen minutes just to get a salad, a 1-piece meal and mashed potatoes, if the crew even knew the definition of fast food. Heck, I don't think a supervisor was even around to explain what the concept meant. There was chaos all over--the frontliners repeated my order thrice, scrambled to the back to shout out weird food codes and were slipping all over spilt soda just behind the counter. The result? Around 8-9 angry customers per queue, still waiting in line, wondering what the fuss is all about and what the hell is taking them sooooo damn long!
What's surprising is that those angry customers are just that-- just waiting. Nobody I think bothers to leave the line, or complain to the manager, or do anything about it. I did certainly raise my concerns, only to a food service crew unfortunately, for the supervisor was nowhere in sight. I guess, the people at KFC thinks that their food must be so great that even if their service sucks big-time, people will still flock to their stores. Sure, that can work for a while. But how long till people get tired of their crappy service, that is also uncertain. I hope, for their sakes, it's sooner than later, so they can get their acts together and start giving us loyal customers the service we truly deserve. That means FAST!!! :-)

It's been a long time since I last ate at KFC, a far cry from the days when Chicken Caesar Salad was considered my staple rice at every meal. So I decided to have a go at it again after the mass last night, only to find out that nothing really changed that much since my last visit. The food's still great (I missed the salad terribly!), but the service still sucks. I wondered, as I waited at the counter line for almost fifteen minutes just to get a salad, a 1-piece meal and mashed potatoes, if the crew even knew the definition of fast food. Heck, I don't think a supervisor was even around to explain what the concept meant. There was chaos all over--the frontliners repeated my order thrice, scrambled to the back to shout out weird food codes and were slipping all over spilt soda just behind the counter. The result? Around 8-9 angry customers per queue, still waiting in line, wondering what the fuss is all about and what the hell is taking them sooooo damn long!
What's surprising is that those angry customers are just that-- just waiting. Nobody I think bothers to leave the line, or complain to the manager, or do anything about it. I did certainly raise my concerns, only to a food service crew unfortunately, for the supervisor was nowhere in sight. I guess, the people at KFC thinks that their food must be so great that even if their service sucks big-time, people will still flock to their stores. Sure, that can work for a while. But how long till people get tired of their crappy service, that is also uncertain. I hope, for their sakes, it's sooner than later, so they can get their acts together and start giving us loyal customers the service we truly deserve. That means FAST!!! :-)
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