I was never a really really big fan, but I enjoyed his music so I decided to go with Eda. Besides, what better way to have an early birthday celebration than to enjoy good music with your best friend (whom surprisingly I've never been with to a legit concert before! Gary V does not count!) and a really cute guy in guitars?
Never expected it to be so much fun! Thanks to Eda for getting us really really good seats at the Rockwell Tent! Jason was surprisingly witty (I love guitar guys with sarcastic humor!) and so adorable. He and Paolo Santos performed really well, and though I was not able to really memorize all the songs despite the never ending looped Jason Playlist at the War Room, I was the content fan waving my lighter to You and I, The Remedy and Wordplay.
Felt like a couple of giggly highschoolers who stalked Jason at the backstage. Even if we were unsuccessful in getting his autograph, just waving goodbye to him made us still smile stupidly (pathetic, I know). What can I say, we were defenseless against his charms! Can't wait to catch his next concert in Manila (which is turning out to be an annual tradition I heard!) Cheers to the Geek in the Pink! :-)
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