Zsazsa Zaturnnah's one of the funnest and funniest plays I've seen for a long time! It was a good homecoming for me at CCP since Miss Saigon. I'm a big fan of Ricci Chan and Agot Isidro whom I've seen in previous plays already, and I was curious to see Eula perform as well in her first ever musical stint.
I was re-acquainted into the world of Camp (read=gay lingo) which was always interesting to learn. Never knew that Eula could sing that well, and she really sounded gay (which for her role is a good thing!), while Agot and Ricci gave stellar performances, as expected. Ada was a professor pala, which explains the hordes of fans who were his students from Miriam. Dodong was a surprise too; apparently, he's already a composer and a MetroPop veteran. Three hours was just enough (I couldn't believe we laughed that long!) for the whole plot to unfold and for the punch lines to be delivered at just the right time. Kudos to the creative sets and props, and to the spandex costumes (definitely time space warp-ish!) Too bad the ushers were poorly confused (which was very unfortunate for CCP's reputation) and our seats were quite cramped--at second half, my right flip-flop accidentally fell at the bottom of the bleachers, which I could only crawl to get after the show was over! Cripes!
Waited for our happy food (banana split galore!) at Iceberg's while debating whether we should go back and finish our autograph signing. Good thing Eda was with me, my very own "Amazonistah" who made first dibs with Ricci, Agot, Eula, Wilma and Arnold a.k.a. Dodong (Ang Superstar ng Buhay Ko ay Ikaw! Cheesiness!). I just followed suit and smiled stupidly along… I was still definitely starstruck! Too bad I wasn't able to talk more with Carl the Priest, whom I shared smiles with during intermission and after the play (yep, cheesy kilig moment part two!). Definitely the most fun backstage adventures I've ever had!
I definitely recommend everyone to watch this play, if only there were tickets left. Last I heard the play is already sold out until the end of the season (we ourselves got tickets from a fixer!). This play goes out to all Amazonistahs out there: Go get your "mahiwagang bato", be superheroes and fall in love with your own Dodong's along the way...;-) Carpe Diem!
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