Watched Superman Returns with friends Drew, Care and Oryx last Friday at Eastwood. It was a date we all set with each other a few months back, but I guess we were not prepared enough... Oryx and I got to Eastwood, through cartwheels and back flips, at 730ish, but all the cinemas were full until the LFS at 1110! Good thing Ina was holding her despedida at Bedroom Bar so we kinda chilled a few hours with the UPD people while we waited for the other two to arrive. Since we still had time to kill, Drew "forced" us to spend an hour of Videoke where we did some crazy back-up dance moves (yes, they were all AIESEC dance potentials) and where Drew and I went head-to-head for a tiebreaker: BSB vs the Spice Girls :P Challenging, I know...
Crazy Commentaries went on throughout the film--Care and I held hands during drool-worthy moments, Oryx hugged me during my pseudo-cry episode, and we all looked at Drew from time to time to see how he was seriously contemplating his "alter ego" (Read: "If he is the man of steel, how did he and Lois... get it on?"... mahaba-habang inuman to!) We got home around 2am already (good thing my Dad was out-of-town this weekend!).
Brandon Routh is just so perfect! One thing that endeared me to this film was how Superman was created into a perfect balance of handsome hero (whose hair never gets screwed!) and earthly being--a raw and emotional human. The twist at the end was a welcome surprise as well.. So cheers to you Drew, I'm now forever YOUR fan! Haha :-D
I definitely had a great time with them--my "anaks" who have been my confidantes and stamm buddies these past few months. I think sometimes that my life would have moved on after my term had ended in AIESEC, but these friends have slowly re-integrated me into this crazy, stressful life that I once led and still love. I never did hang out with my "batchmates" this much before--we all got together only if there was an event, or because we had work, or after our terms ended.. I wonder why. No doubt though: I'm glad to still have AIESEC friends in my life, even more grateful to have these AIESEC friends with whom I can watch movie marathons with and yet still learn so much from...
Till Pirates of the Carribbean! :-)

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