"Life may not be replete with the moments that pause your soul, the vivid memories of which cause your heart to beat differently, or make it hard to swallow. And all the better. Much of the beauty of those moments lies in their rarity -- in the awe of being in the right place, at the right time, a partaker in coincidence. And in finding a reason to believe in fate..."

Wednesday, May 18, 2005

Friendster Blog

Weird... weird... weird...

Kept mumbling that for several seconds while I tried to configure my friendster blog. Yep, finally joined the bandwagon and tried to create another one (as if I can't manage three enough db?) It's settings are not too user-friendly. And I actually find it stupid to "announce" the blog to all your first degree friends when there's nothing in there yet anyway... wala lang.

If I tried to link about everyone who created a blog through friendster, I'd have about 100++ links in this blog now. But that's useless anyway, all I get are empty pages of people who wanted to try something new but failed to follow through with it...

Oh well... no harm in trying I guess... I hope my own "announcement" was cancelled before I clicked "send"...

Oh yeah, if you're curious... the link is http://gladaxjudai.blogs.friendster.com/my_blog. For those who might be bored and want to see it... don't say I didn't warn you....wala tlga laman, pramis!!!!