"Life may not be replete with the moments that pause your soul, the vivid memories of which cause your heart to beat differently, or make it hard to swallow. And all the better. Much of the beauty of those moments lies in their rarity -- in the awe of being in the right place, at the right time, a partaker in coincidence. And in finding a reason to believe in fate..."

Thursday, June 23, 2005


Totally "Flipped"! Posted by Hello
LOVE THIS BOOK! Haven't adored something so much in a long time, and a Children's Book no less! It's no Harry Potter, but it surely got a charm all its own (not to mention a really cute cover! )
"Flipped" reminds me so much of my grade school years, when I was so much like Juli Baker, who had her own mishaps and adventures as well. In every childhood girl's dream, they each had their own "Bryce Loski" to which they fell really hard for--enough to make them bold and commit stupid acts just to get their attention. The boys, in turn, would realize in the end that they feel the same way, only to find out too late that the girls have already matured on moved on to, erm, greener pastures and bigger oceans with bigger fishes. Kids are like that... all of us have been like that.
True enough, I had my own "Bryce". I didn't exactly climb any sycamore trees nor gave away eggs from my own chickens... but I did "network" hard to people really close to him jsut to get real-time tidbits about his personal life. Well, that certainly backfired on me... I did get close to the family (yes, until now), but never really close to him. All I have left is some childhood fantasy... that lasted ten loooong years!
Looking back, though I did a lot of other crazy antics just to catch his eye... some of which I'd just cringe and wished I wasn't too weird and forward. But hey, at least I can smile and laugh now with funny anecdotes to narrate at dinner parties: "One time... at band camp..."
Many many thanks to Eda for lending me this piece, and for always listening to all my childhood brouhahas... Got to get my own copy soon! :-D