"Life may not be replete with the moments that pause your soul, the vivid memories of which cause your heart to beat differently, or make it hard to swallow. And all the better. Much of the beauty of those moments lies in their rarity -- in the awe of being in the right place, at the right time, a partaker in coincidence. And in finding a reason to believe in fate..."

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

HP4: The Goblet of Fire @ Eastwood Cinemas

...cedric and cho... :-) Posted by Picasa

Watched Harry Potter today on its's first screening day (what can I say, I'm really a fan!). Was my first time to actually enjoy Eastwood Cinemas, and I'm gklad to have gone with Eds. As usual, when the two of us are together, food trip galore talaga! Binged on Heaven and Egss (Three Sausages and Eggs again.. my fave!)... quick stop to tiangge (bought matching oriental wallets) before having a coffee break at mocha blends... fun fun fun!

The movie itself was great! As expected, it was quite long (almost three hours I think), but they were able to religiously show the crucial parts of the book. Ralph Fiennes is the best antagonist without a nose, and Cedric is simply the cutest! :-) I really missed Sean Biggerstaff when they took him out in HP2... good thing there's always Cedric now to look forward to! Cho Chang was adorable as well.. I wished they would have shown more of the Hermione-Ron angle.. oh well, maybe in the next film installation. Have to finish Half Blood Prince first!

Can't wait for Narnia, Chicken Little, Memoirs of a Geisha and Pride and Prejudice! (thanks for the wonderful trailers! haha)